
Primary LanguageRubyCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


The ApprenticeshipStandards.org application is currently running on Ruby 3, Rails 7, and PostgreSQL 14.

Development setup

  1. Install Elasticsearch
  2. Start elasticsearch in the terminal, as the setup command will run some tasks to create Elasticsearch indexes.
  3. Copy .env.sample to .env and edit the ONET_WEB_SERVICES_USERNAME and ONET_WEB_SERVICES_PASSWORD variables so you can run the setup task without issue.
  4. Run bin/setup. One of the After Party tasks takes several minutes to run. Once completed, it will not run on subsequent bin/setup calls.
  5. Kill elasticsearch as it will get started with the bin/dev command below
  6. Install mailcatcher to preview emails. See the troubleshooting section if you have installation issues.
  7. To access the admin pages, you must modify your /etc/hosts file:
    # Added for ApprenticeshipStandards.org admin.example.localhost
    # End ApprenticeshipStandards.org additions
  8. Start the rails app with bin/dev:

Mailcatcher troubleshooting

If you run into an issue while installing mailcatcher, you can try installing thin with the following command:

gem install thin -v 1.5.1 -- --with-cflags="-Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration"

Then, try to install mailcatcher again:

gem install mailcatcher

You can also install mailcatcher with brew:

brew install mailcatcher


If you want to convert doc and docx documents to PDF, you can install install libreoffice with brew:

brew install --cask libreoffice

Staging access

Staging information


We have a Heroku pipeline set up with a staging and a production app. The staging and production remotes can be added locally as follows:

git remote add staging https://git.heroku.com/apprenticeship-standards-stag.git
git remote add production https://git.heroku.com/apprenticeship-standards-dot-o.git


The staging app will be deployed automatically any time code is merged to the main branch.


Once code changes have gone through QA on staging, the changes can be deployed to production on the command line:

git push production main

If you name your production remote something other than "production", then be sure to replace "production" with the name of your remote.

The deployment can also be done through the Heroku Dashboard. Promoting the staging slug does not work since the application is built with Docker.

Elasticsearch setup

We are currently using Elasticsearch version 8.10.3. See the Elasticsearch documentation for installation options. To debug any queries, set log: true in the config/initializers/elasticsearch.rb client setup.

For your local Elasticsearch setup, if you get errors like:

The client is unable to verify that the server is Elasticsearch. Some functionality may not be compatible if the server is running an unsupported product.

then you will need to turn off the security features for your Elasticsearch configuration. Edit the config/elasticsearch.yml file in your Elasticsearch installation to turn all the enabled flags to false:

xpack.security.enabled: false

xpack.security.enrollment.enabled: false

  enabled: false
  keystore.path: certs/http.p12

  enabled: false
  verification_mode: certificate
  keystore.path: certs/transport.p12
  truststore.path: certs/transport.p12
cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["My-MacBook-Pro.local"]


If you are using a docker image of Elasticsearch you can start it with docker run -p 9200:9200 -m 1GB -e "discovery.type=single-node" -e "xpack.security.enabled=false" docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:8.10.3. Make sure the number at the end matches the version number for the image.

Kibana setup

If you are working on any tasks related to Elasticsearch, then it may be helpful to set up Kibana.

To start Kibana, make sure that elasticsearch is already running, then run kibana in the terminal. Kibana will be available at http://localhost:5601. To access the dev tools, click the hamburger menu icon in the nav, and go to "Dev Tools" under the Management section.

To see all of the records in the occupation_standards in the Kibana Dev Tools enter:

GET occupation_standards_development/_search
  "query": {
    "match_all": {}

and click the green arrow button to run the query. You should see data returned for all of the OccupationStandard records in your local database in the panel on the right.

If you need to view the names of all your indices, under the Management section go to "Stack Management". Then under the Data section, click "Index Management" to see the list of all the available indices.

AWS setup

If you will have access to AWS to manage the S3 buckets, view the setup documentation.


Ruby linting

We are using standard for Ruby linting. To check the style of all Ruby files, run:

bundle exec standardrb

To automatically apply linting fixes, run:

bundle exec standardrb --fix

ERB linting

We are using erb_lint for ERB linting. To check the style of all .erb files, run:

bundle exec erblint --lint-all --autocorrect

Post-deployment tasks

We are using After Party to run post-deployment tasks. These tasks may include one-time necessary updates to the database. Run the tasks manually by:

bundle exec rake after_party:run

Alternatively, every time you pull the main branch, run:


which will update gems, run any database migrations, and run the after party post-deployment tasks.

Testing Suite

We are using RSpec for tests. Before beginning a new feature, please run the specs and make sure the entire test suite is passing. All tests should be passing when submitting a PR. Please write specs as appropriate.

To run all specs:

bundle exec rspec spec -fd

To run an individual file:

bundle exec rspec spec/models/user_spec.rb -fd

To run an individual spec, pass the spec name or partial match:

bundle exec rspec spec/models/user_spec.rb -fd -e "valid factory"

Individual specs can also be run by specifying the line number:

bundle exec rspec spec/models/user_spec.rb:4 -fd

The -fd flag is for "format: documentation", and will list out each spec name as it is run. These flags can be left off for more concise output.

JavaScript system specs

For system specs that require JavaScript, append js: true to the relevant scenario, context, or describe statement. This has the added benefit of generating a screenshot upon failure. To force any non-JS-requiring system test to generate a screenshot, you can also temporarily add js: true to the spec to help diagnose the failure. For example:

# spec/system/standards_import/new_spec.html.erb

it "shows success message", js: true do

By default we are using the headless version of Chrome to run system specs with JavaScript, but you can run the non-headless version to watch the spec get run in the browser. To use the non-headless version, add debug: true to the spec:

# spec/system/standards_import/new_spec.html.erb

it "shows success message", debug: true do

Any errors when running in debug mode will also create a screenshot in the tmp directory to help with debugging.

Feature Flags

We use Flipper for our feature flags system.

You can turn on a feature flag by running:


and check if it's enabled with:

Flipper.enabled?(:search) # true

When writing specs, there is a helper method to use: stub_feature_flag(:my_feature_flag, <boolean value>).