
Udacity project: tournament database to handle Swiss pairings between players

Primary LanguagePython

Tournament Database v. 1.0 07/11/2016


-To begin, open your Vagrant virtual machine and navigate to the tournament folder. Navigate to your Vagrant directory and type 'vagrant up' to bring up the machine. When that is finished, type 'vagrant ssh' to open the command shell.

-You can access the psql console by typing 'psql' in the vagrant command line. Connect to your database in this console by typing:

\c tournament

-To create the necessary tables, you can either paste the commands from the tournament.sql file in the psql console, or type:

\i tournament.sql

This will run any SQL code found in the file, and if the tables have already been created, the command line will tell you. These instructions are also contained in the tournament.sql file.

-If you need to drop the tables (maybe to make a correction), use this command:

DROP TABLE table name;

You will then need to run tournament.sql again to recreate the tables.

-Run the tournament_test.py file to test the current tournament functions.

-Files: tournament.py has functions to handle tournament results (win, loss, draw) and pair players based on standings, tournament.sql creates the data tables (currently 'players' and 'matches'), and tournament_test.py contains several test functions to ensure the code written in tournament.py runs correctly.


-The minimum requirements for the code were to register players, report matches, display standings ordered by number of wins, and pair players based on win records (players with 1 win are paired, players with 1 loss are paired, etc.)

-Additional functions were added to tournament.py to account for byes and draws. New test functions were created to handle these cases, respectively named testByes() and testDraws().


Email: danielnotary7@gmail.com