dotly is a dotfiles framework built on top of zim, one of the fastest zsh existing frameworks. It creates an opinionated dotfiles structure to handle all your configs and scripts.
Using wget:
bash <(wget -qO-
Or using curl:
bash <(curl -s
You can safely install additional software and make any changes to the file system. Once you exit zsh the image is deleted.
Using Alpine:
docker run -e TERM -e COLORTERM -e LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 -w /root -it --rm alpine sh -uec '
apk add curl sudo bash zsh git g++ python3
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Or using Ubuntu:
docker run -e TERM -e COLORTERM -w /root -it --rm ubuntu sh -uec '
apt-get update
apt-get install -y curl build-essential sudo
su -c bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
su -c zsh'
Once dotly is installed, the next step is to commit and push your dotfiles. Create a new repository in your GitHub
named dotfiles
and then copy the url. Then go to your dotfiles (cd "$DOTFILES_PATH"
) and execute:
git remote add origin YOUR_DOTFILES_REPO_URL &&
git add -A &&
git commit -m "Initial commit" &&
git push origin main
It's recommended to commit every time you add/modify a config or script.
is the core command of dotly. If you execute it, you'll see all your scripts.
{▸} ~ dot -h
dot <context>
dot <context> <script> [<args>...]
dot -h | --help
├── 📁 bin # External binaries/symlinks. This folder has preference in your $PATH
├── 📁 doc # Documentation of your dotfiles
├── 📁 editors # Settings of your editors (vscode, IDEA, …)
├── 📁 git # git config
├── 📁 langs # Config for programming languages/libraries
├── 📁 os # Specific config of your Operative System or apps
├── 📁 restoration_scripts # This will be execute when you restore your dotfiles in another computer/installation
├── 📁 scripts # Your custom scripts
├── 📁 shell # Bash/Zsh/Fish?… configuration files
└── 📁 symlinks # The config of your symlinks
dotly facilites you to version your apps config files. Once you've found the config to version you should:
- Copy your config file inside your dotfiles so this will be the source of truth.
cp ~/Library/Application Support/Code/User/settings.json $DOTFILES_PATH/editors/code/settings.json
- Symlink this file. To do this you should edit your
and add it. E.g.~/Library/Application Support/Code/User/settings.json: editors/code/settings.json
dotly includes am opinionated, minimal, very fast and powerful theme by default. You can configure it using the
following parameters in your shell/
CODELY_THEME_MINIMAL=false|true # If true the theme will only show the prompt status
CODELY_THEME_MODE="dark"|"light" # Use dark if you use dark colors, light if light
CODELY_THEME_PROMPT_IN_NEW_LINE=false|true # If true the prompt will be in a newline
CODELY_THEME_PWD_MODE="short"|"full"|"home_relative" # short will show the first letter of each directory, full the full path and home_relative the full path relative to the $HOME dir
CODELY_THEME_STATUS_ICON_KO="▪" # The icon to show if the previous command failed. Useful if you're color blind
├── 📁 dotfiles
│ ├── create # Creates the dotfiles scructure
│ └── import # Import an existing dotfiles
├── 📁 git
│ ├── amend # Amend a commit
│ ├── apply-gitignore # Exlude all commited files that are inside the project .gitignore
│ ├── changed-files # Show all changed files to main
│ ├── commit # Add all files and then commit
│ ├── contributors # List contributors with number of commits
│ ├── find # Find commits by commit message
│ ├── pretty-diff # Show a pretty git diff using fzf (and copy selected path to the clipboard)
│ ├── pretty-log # Git log filtering
│ └── rm-file-history # Remove completely a file from the repo with its history
├── 📁 mac
│ ├── brew # Some brew utils
│ └── defaults # Some defaults utils to view your changes, import and export
├── 📁 package
│ ├── add # Install a package
│ ├── dump # Dump all installed packages
│ ├── import # Import previously dumped packages
│ └── update_all # Update all packages
├── 📁 self # Instead of `dot self` you can use direclty `dotly` in your terminal
│ ├── debug # Debug dotly
│ ├── install # Install dotly and setup dotfiles
│ ├── lint # Lint all dotly related bash files
│ ├── static_analysis # Static analysis of all dotly related bash files
│ └── update # Update dotly to the latest stable release
├── 📁 shell
│ └── zsh # ZSH helpers
└── 📁 symlinks
└── apply # Apply all symlinks
You can see the default aliases here. The most commonly used are:
: cd one directory upla
: ls all files/dirs with colorsup
: Update all your package managers packages
You can execute dot self debug
in parallel with another command to see the errors output.
- If you want to implement a new feature/script, please, open an issue first
A lot of dotly concepts has been inspired by denisidoro/dotfiles
MIT © CodelyTV