A console application for checking how many stops for re-supply are required by starships in the Star Wars universe when they are given a certain distance in MGLTs(MegaLights).
- Download the files.
- Ensure node is installed in your computer. If it is not then please download it from https://nodejs.org/en/ and install it.
- Open a command prompt and navigate to the folder containing the 'kneatSwapi' project.
- Enter 'npm i' or 'npm install' to install all of the projects dependancies specified in the package.json.
- Use 'npm start' to start the program. 'node app/index.js' will also work.
- Enter the distance in MegaLights that you would like to travel.
- Specify whether you would like to include the starships with unknown speeds/MGLTs in your results(Y/N)
- View the starship results
- Specify if you would like try again(Y/N)
- Use 'npm test' to test the application.