
An API to query the results of Quake III Arena plays by their IDs.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project aims to make available results from Quake III plays as a RESTful API.

Built with

  • Node (v10.10.0)
  • NPM (6.4.1)
  • SQLite3

How to get it running

  • Clone it git clone https://github.com/gwyddie/quake3-api
  • Get into the folder cd quake3-api
  • Install the dependencies npm i
  • Set defaults on your .env file (you can just rename defaults.env to .env) mv defaults.env .env
  • Create the database npm run create-db
  • Seed it npm run seed-db
  • Then run it npm run start

And now you can see it on http://localhost:3000/api/games/21.

Example of use

This app has a single route, /api/games/:id, where :id is a numeric identifier of the game match.

To do

  • Analyse code with SonarQube
  • Create Jenkins pipeline, eg:
    • git clone (checkout source code)
    • npm i (install dependencies)
    • npm run test (check if all tests pass)
    • npm audit (check insecure modules)
    • npm run sonar
    • npm start

That's all, folks!

Thank you