
Survey App built with React and Spring boot

Primary LanguageJava

Coding Challenge - The Survey App

1. Getting Started

For getting started I provided a Dockerfile for building the Spring Boot backend and a docker-compose.yml for starting a mongoDb container along with it. So: docker-compose up should be all you need to run everything and then the service should be up on http://localhost:8080

Pro-Tip: I added HTML5 validation so all 25 Answers are required, if you just want to quickly make a post to the backend, you can use this little hack. Paste this in the chrome dev console: var buttons = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); and then this to click every button ;-) for(var i = 0; i <= buttons.length; i++) buttons[i].click(); Of course I have never used this during development 😇

2. The Backend

The Backend is a simple

  • JUnit5
  • Spring Boot
  • MongoDB
  • Java12
    Application. I provided some Unit tests and an extra component/integration test package. For integration testing I like to use the testcontainers library because it allows me to easily spin up docker containers for my tests. I always prefer having an actual Service (f.ex. MongoDB) in a clean state over using some kind of In Memory DB or Mock Service for component testing.

2.1 Running the Backend

The project uses maven, so mvn package , mvn test etc. should be all you need.

2.2 Todos

  • I am missing a full end to end test for this
  • I do not validate the predicate for question 3 on the backend
  • I do not have any profiles defined, so you can only run it in docker or use the tests currently, for running a local version from the IDE you would need to make code changes

3. The Frontend

The frontend code is definitely my weak spot. I have never used react.js before and my last real JavaScript coding experience was years ago. That is why my frontend code is currently not really tested that well :-/ I am learning how to write tests for react components currently.

3.1 Running the Frontend

I used a basic npm setup, so you should be able to get everything going by running npm run mock:api which will start the following apis:


and then run npm start and get the frontend on http://localhost:3000

3.2 Todos

  • learn react component testing