A declarative programming language used create wireframes and prototypes of user interfaces.
This snippet creates a basic user interface
frame mobile {
initial: LandingPage(),
size: 9/16,
background: #fff
component LandingPage() {
children: [
Headline (
title: "Welcome to proton",
subtitle: "Let's get started"
Text("This is a proton example"),
text: "Sign Up",
link: SignUpPage()
component SignUpPage() {
children: [
Headline (
title: "Sign Up",
subtitle: "Let's get started"
Text("Sign up"),
background: #fff,
height: 200px
component Headline (title, subtitle) {
children: [
Text(text: title, size: 2, weight: bold),
Text(text: subtitle, size: 1)
component Button (text, link) from Stack() {
children: [
Text(text: text, size: 1)
styles: {
background: #fff,
border-radius: 4px,
padding: 8px 16px,
cursor: pointer
events: {
click: navigate => SignUpPage(),
hover: style => {
background: #eee
- Column (default)
- Row
- Grid
- Stack
- Text
- Box
- Image