
A SaltStack formula for deploying and managing Afanasy's render hosts. Includes a Packer template with support for AWS AMIs.

Primary LanguageSaltStack


A SaltStack formula for deploying and managing Afanasy's render hosts.

You can try it with Vagrant, simply by running vagrant up Example pillars used for configuring the render node can be found in pillar.example

The AMI for ec2 instances can be built using Packer, the region defaults to eu-central-1, but can be changed using a variable:

packer build -var 'region=us-east-1' -var 'buster_ami=ami-07d02ee1eeb0c996c' aws.pkr.hcl

Note that base AMIs are stored per-region, so if you change the region, you need to pass the relevant base AMI ID for Debian as well.

This formula is made for Debian 10.