
A data processing stack with spark and python with glusterfs instead of hdfs to simplify the deployment

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Docker multi-container environment with Glusterfs, Spark and PySpark/Jupyter

This is it: a Docker multi-container environment with GlusterFS, Spark and Jupyter.

Quick Start local deployment

To deploy an the Gluster-Spark-Jupyter cluster, run:

  docker-compose build
  docker-compose up

docker-compose creates a docker network that can be found by running docker network list, e.g. docker-glusterfs-spark-jupter-stack_default.

Run docker network inspect on the network (e.g. docker-glusterfs-spark-jupter-stack_default) to find the IP the hadoop interfaces are published on. Access these interfaces with the following URLs:

Service Without Proxy With Proxy
Namenode http://localhost:9870 http://namenode.pluribus.vcap.me
History server http://localhost:8188/applicationhistory
Datanode http://localhost:9864/
Nodemanager http://localhost:8042/node
Resource manager http://localhost:8088/
Spark master http://localhost:8080/ http://spark.pluribus.vcap.me
Spark worker http://localhost:8081/
Portainer http://localhost:9090 http://portainer.pluribus.vcap.me
Jupyter http://localhost:10000 http://jupyter.pluribus.vcap.me
Proxy http://traefik.pluribus.vcap.me

Quick Start with Jupyter:

Navigate to Jupyter website: http://jupyter.pluribus.vcap.me and create a new notebook. run:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("Dataframe from csv in hdfs").getOrCreate()
brewfile = spark.read.csv("/gfs/data/breweries.csv")

| _c0|                 _c1|          _c2|  _c3|_c4|
|null|                name|         city|state| id|
|   0|  NorthGate Brewing |  Minneapolis|   MN|  0|
|   1|Against the Grain...|   Louisville|   KY|  1|
|   2|Jack's Abby Craft...|   Framingham|   MA|  2|
|   3|Mike Hess Brewing...|    San Diego|   CA|  3|
|   4|Fort Point Beer C...|San Francisco|   CA|  4|
|   5|COAST Brewing Com...|   Charleston|   SC|  5|
|   6|Great Divide Brew...|       Denver|   CO|  6|
|   7|    Tapistry Brewing|     Bridgman|   MI|  7|
|   8|    Big Lake Brewing|      Holland|   MI|  8|
|   9|The Mitten Brewin...| Grand Rapids|   MI|  9|
|  10|      Brewery Vivant| Grand Rapids|   MI| 10|
|  11|    Petoskey Brewing|     Petoskey|   MI| 11|
|  12|  Blackrocks Brewery|    Marquette|   MI| 12|
|  13|Perrin Brewing Co...|Comstock Park|   MI| 13|
|  14|Witch's Hat Brewi...|   South Lyon|   MI| 14|
|  15|Founders Brewing ...| Grand Rapids|   MI| 15|
|  16|   Flat 12 Bierwerks| Indianapolis|   IN| 16|
|  17|Tin Man Brewing C...|   Evansville|   IN| 17|
|  18|Black Acre Brewin...| Indianapolis|   IN| 18|
only showing top 20 rows

more info: https://sparkbyexamples.com/pyspark/pyspark-read-csv-file-into-dataframe/


Quick Start Spark (PySpark)

Go to http://spark.pluribus.vcap.me or http://localhost:8080/ on your Docker host (laptop) to see the status of the Spark master.

Use Portainer to access the shell of the spark-master container. Go to the command line of the Spark master/worker/jupyter and start PySpark.

  docker exec -it spark-master bash

  /spark/bin/pyspark --master spark://spark-master:7077

Python 3.7.10 (default, Mar  2 2021, 09:06:08) 
[GCC 8.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Using Spark's default log4j profile: org/apache/spark/log4j-defaults.properties
Setting default log level to "WARN".
To adjust logging level use sc.setLogLevel(newLevel). For SparkR, use setLogLevel(newLevel).
22/07/25 14:12:37 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
Welcome to
      ____              __
     / __/__  ___ _____/ /__
    _\ \/ _ \/ _ `/ __/  '_/
   /__ / .__/\_,_/_/ /_/\_\   version 3.2.1

Using Python version 3.7.10 (default, Mar  2 2021 09:06:08)
Spark context Web UI available at http://3b5822d57c5b:4040
Spark context available as 'sc' (master = spark://spark-master:7077, app id = app-20220725141239-0000).
SparkSession available as 'spark'.

Load breweries.csv from DFS.

  brewfile = spark.read.csv("/gfs/data/breweries.csv")
| _c0|                 _c1|          _c2|  _c3|_c4|
|null|                name|         city|state| id|
|   0|  NorthGate Brewing |  Minneapolis|   MN|  0|
|   1|Against the Grain...|   Louisville|   KY|  1|
|   2|Jack's Abby Craft...|   Framingham|   MA|  2|
|   3|Mike Hess Brewing...|    San Diego|   CA|  3|
|   4|Fort Point Beer C...|San Francisco|   CA|  4|
|   5|COAST Brewing Com...|   Charleston|   SC|  5|
|   6|Great Divide Brew...|       Denver|   CO|  6|
|   7|    Tapistry Brewing|     Bridgman|   MI|  7|
|   8|    Big Lake Brewing|      Holland|   MI|  8|
|   9|The Mitten Brewin...| Grand Rapids|   MI|  9|
|  10|      Brewery Vivant| Grand Rapids|   MI| 10|
|  11|    Petoskey Brewing|     Petoskey|   MI| 11|
|  12|  Blackrocks Brewery|    Marquette|   MI| 12|
|  13|Perrin Brewing Co...|Comstock Park|   MI| 13|
|  14|Witch's Hat Brewi...|   South Lyon|   MI| 14|
|  15|Founders Brewing ...| Grand Rapids|   MI| 15|
|  16|   Flat 12 Bierwerks| Indianapolis|   IN| 16|
|  17|Tin Man Brewing C...|   Evansville|   IN| 17|
|  18|Black Acre Brewin...| Indianapolis|   IN| 18|
only showing top 20 rows