
Twitter streaming data collection scripts

Primary LanguagePython

Twitter Streaming collection tools


This are simple Python and Ruby scripts that perform bulk and continuous download from the Twitter Streaming API of all tweets the account has access.


The code needs the tweetstream package for either Python or Ruby. The Python version can be found inside the python folder or [can be found here] (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/tweetstream). The Ruby gem can be installed using:

gem install tweetstream

Each version has a scrape file. Before using the scripts, you need to edit the scrape file and add the Twitter API keys in order to authenticate. For more information check the Twitter API.

Quick start


Both scripts use the scrape script to download tweets for an hour. The output is placed in a file named twitter-yyyy-mm-dd-hh in the same folder. The scripts are best used with a cron entry if trying to constantly download the Twitter stream. The corresponding cron entry would be:

0 * * * * ./python/grab-python.sh >> ./python/grab-python.log 2>&1