
This Project is created using lang-chain model which generates the answer for our question in which book we have uploaded.

Primary LanguagePython

Step 1 :

Installing python requirements

Create conda environment

conda create -n "env_name python==3.8" - Compatible in python 3.8

Activate Environment

conda activate "env_name"

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 2 :

Run streamlit server

streamlit run chatbot.py

#Step 3 :

Create Vector Database in Pinecone and Create new api key then paste it in chatbot.py

#Step 4 :

Upload the Book in pdf format

#Step 5 :

Embedding Process takes place depends upon the corpus (text segments ) in the book

#Step 6 :

Storing Vector in Database (NOTE: Free trail in pinecone only stores 100K Vectors only)

#Step 7 :

Model is Ready You can start Chat with your book