
Demonstration of queries/mutations/defer/stream/subscriptions/live

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Experimental GraphQL Playground

Demonstration of experimental GraphQL features with the following transports:

Showcasing the following features with Fetcher implementations on GraphiQL:

  • Query (HTTP, HTTP-Multipart, WebSocket)
  • Mutation (HTTP, HTTP-Multipart, WebSocket)
  • Query with @defer (HTTP-Multipart, WebSocket)
  • Query with @stream (HTTP-Multipart, WebSocket)
  • Subscription (WebSocket/SSE)
  • Query with @live (WebSocket/SSE)

Powered by the following libraries:

  • graphql-js - The JavaScript reference implementation for GraphQL
  • SSE-Z - Simple SSE wrapper
  • meros - Easy multiresponse parser
  • graphql-live-query - GraphQL live queries for any GraphQL schema

Current issues

  1. graphql-helix with SSE-Z does not propagate GraphQL validation errors to the client properly

Setup instructions

  1. clone this repo

  2. Make sure you have yarn and node v14 installed

  3. Run yarn install


Start the server with yarn server:start

Start the frontend yarn start

Visit localhost:3000/__dev__/graphiql

Execute some operations :)