
Web-based nap calculator - Given preferred wake windows and desired bedtime, generates suggestions on when to cap a nap and when to start the next nap

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Web-based nap calculator - Given preferred wake windows and desired bedtime, generates suggestions on when to cap a nap and when to start the next nap Here's what it looks like:


  1. "Nap Calculator.ipynb" was the original version I put together in Jupyter Notebook
  2. I adopted it to a web app by using Flask (following instructions here: https://blog.miguelgrinberg.com/post/the-flask-mega-tutorial-part-i-hello-world )
  3. To set this up on your webserver, "nap_calculator.py" is the Flask app you want to run:
    • export FLASK_APP=nap_calculator.py
    • flask run --host=