
AppSearch was a demo application created for my talk at NCDevCon on Fast Iterations

Primary LanguageObjective-C

App Search

This app is a very barebones demo of some split testing done during a tech talk at NCDevCon by Daniel Hammond on 9/30/2012


In order to make the app work you will need to create an account and an application at Parse. Both are free and more information is available at http://parse.com

Once you do that and run the app with your key in there it will create the experiment class, you will want to create a column for the buttonTitle and then add rows for each test case. Outside of that it should work out of the box.

Other Resources

Please contact me if you find any of this helpful, have questions, recommendations, feedback, etc

Slides from the presentation are included as Slides.pdf


Base SDK 6.0, Targets 6.0, XCode 4.5 recommended