
Burrow.NET is a simple library created based on some EasyNetQ ideas, it's a thin wrapper of RabbitMQ.Client for .NET. Basically, if you just need to put your message or subscribe messages from RabbitMQ server, you found the right place. With Burrow.NET, you can easily customize almost everything start with exchange and queue name, changing the way to serialize your object, inject custom error handling strategies, etc.

Primary LanguageC#


Burrow.NET, Release 1.0.x (since Mar 12, 2012)


This project is created based on the idea of EasyNetQ, since Mike Hadlow used MIT licence, I hope he doesn't mind when I use his source code in this project.

I was so lucky to have 2 chances to work with RabbitMQ in my 2 recent projects. EasyNetQ is the library I looked into at first place. Honestly, It's a good implementation, the author covered many problems he got with RabbitMQ and I learnt from that as well. However, I created this project for below reasons:

  • I need an easier way to define Exchange names and Queue names since I don't like the IConvention in EasyNetQ.
  • I want to use Fanout Exchange and I don't need the library so smart to create Exchanges/Queues automatically which EasyNetQ is doing. Indeed, EasyNetQ creates Exchange type Direct everytime a message is published. Not sure if it could affect performance or not but It will throw exception if there is an existing Exchange with same name but different type defined manually. And furthur more, there is no way to override that behavior. Hmmm OCP problem :D
  • I want the messages to be consumed parallel. EasyNetQ has a method that looks like it consumes the messages asynchornous but sadly it consume one by one.
  • I need more flexibilities to inject behaviors for logging, error handling, object serializing, etc.
  • And I want to be busy :D

Alright, to publish a message, you just need something like:

var tunnel = RabbitTunnel.Factory.Create();
tunnel.Publish(new OrderDetail
    Name = "IPad 3",
    Color = "Black",
    Amount = 1	

To subscribe:

var tunnel = RabbitTunnel.Factory.Create();
tunnel.SubscribeAsync<OrderDetail>("SubscriptionKey", msg =>
    // Process message here

Ofcourse you're gonna need a connection string to RabbitMQ server, exchange and queue defined to make it work. Please go to document page for more details how to run the test projects.


  • Install RabbitMQ
  • Create exchange (type *direct): Burrow.Exchange
  • Create queue: Burrow.Queue.BurrowTestApp.Bunny
  • Bind above queue to exchange Burrow.Exchange
  • Get latest source code
  • Run Burrow.Publisher to publish messages
  • Run Burrow.Subscriber to subscribe messagages asynchronously from the queue.


Documentation can be found at github wiki page: https://github.com/vanthoainguyen/Burrow.NET/wiki/Get-started-with-Burrow.NET
Or at Codeplex project page: http://burrow.codeplex.com/documentation

Nuget library is also added at http://nuget.org/packages/Burrow.NET

##4. LICENCE http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING Troll