Swagger-PHP library implementing the swagger.wordnik.com specification to describe web services, operations/actions and models enabling a uniform means of producing, consuming, and visualizing RESTful web services.
More on Swagger:
- http://swagger.wordnik.com/
- https://github.com/wordnik/swagger-core/wiki
- https://github.com/outeredge/SwaggerModule a ZF2 Module implementing swagger-php
Outside of a project:
git clone git@github.com:zircote/swagger-php.git swagger
cd swagger
php composer.phar install
As a project depenency:
Add the following snippet to your require section of you composer.json
run composer install|update
Get Composer: http://getcomposer.org
{"zircote/swagger-php": "master-dev"}
Example Use:
php swagger.phar -h
Usage: swagger --project-path PATH [--output-path PATH]...
Generate Swagger JSON documents for a project.
Mandatory argument[s]:
-p, --project-path base path of the project to perform swagger discovery
Optional arguments:
-i, --include-path Optional bootstrap file for additional include path support
ex: --include-path Zend:/usr/local/share/pear
-o, --output-path directory to store the generated json documents
-f, --format format JSON output in readable formatting.
-h, --help generates this help message
php swagger.phar -p <project-path> \
-o <output-path> -f \
--include-path Zend:/usr/local/shar/pear,Rediska:/usr/local/share/pear
> /tmp/swagger/resources.json created
> /tmp/swagger/pets.json created
> /tmp/swagger/users.json created
bin/swagger --project-path /my/project/ --output-path /tmp/swagger -f
> /tmp/swagger/resources.json created
> /tmp/swagger/pets.json created
> /tmp/swagger/users.json created
Resource Tags:
Dynamic examples:
* basePath="http://org.local/v1",
* swaggerVersion="1.0",
* apiVersion="1"
* )
*@Swagger (
* path="/leadresponder",
* value="Gets collection of leadresponders",
* description="This is a long description of what it does"
* )
*@SwaggerProduces (
* 'application/json',
* 'application/json+hal',
* 'application/json-p',
* 'application/json-p+hal',
* 'application/xml',
* 'application/xml',
* 'application/xml+hal'
* )
* @category Organic
* @package Organic_V1
* @subpackage Controller
class LeadResponder_RoutesController
Operation Tags:
Example Use:
// ....
class LeadResponder_RoutesController
* @PUT
*@SwaggerPath /{leadresponder_id}
* value="Updates the existing leadresponder designated by the {leadresponder_id}",
* responseClass="leadresonder_route",
* multiValueResponse=false,
* tags="MLR"
* )
*@SwaggerError(code=400,reason="Invalid ID Provided")
*@SwaggerError(code=403,reason="User Not Authorized")
*@SwaggerError(code=404,reason="Lead Responder Not Found")
* description="ID of the leadresponder being requested",
* required=true,
* allowMultiple=false,
* dataType="integer",
* name="leadresponder_id",
* paramType="path"
* )
* description="leadresponder_route being updated",
* required=true,
* allowMultiple=false,
* dataType="leadresponder_route",
* name="leadresponder_route",
* paramType="body"
* )
* @responseTypeInternal Model_LeadResponder_Route
public function putAction()
Model Tags:
Complex Types via Annotations:
Besides the basic primitive type definitions in models you may also define the following:
Javascript Reference
@property array<ref:tag> $tags this is a reference to tag
Array Member Types
@property array<string> $arrayItem This is an array of strings
@property array<integer> $refArr This is an array of integers.
@property string<'Two Pigs','Duck', 'And 1 Cow'> $enumVal This is an enum value.
Example Use:
* @SwaggerModel(
* id="leadresonder_route",
* description="some long description of the model"
* )
* @property integer $usr_mlr_route_id some long winded description.
* @property string $route some long description of the model.
* @property string $createdDate
* @property array<ref:tag> $tags this is a reference to `tag`
* @property array<string> $arrayItem This is an array of strings
* @property array<integer> $refArr This is an array of integers.
* @property string<'Two Pigs','Duck', 'And 1 Cow'> $enumVal This is an enum value.
class Model_LeadResponder_Route
// .....
Resource Listing:
$swagger = \Swagger\Swagger::discover($projectPath);
echo $swagger->getResource('http://org.local/v1');
"description":"Gets collection of leadresponders"
Operations Listing:
$swagger = \Swagger\Swagger::discover($projectPath);
echo $swagger->getApi('http://org.local/v1', '/leadresponder');
"description":"some long description of the model",
"description":"some long winded description."
"description":"some long description of the model."
"description":"this is a reference to `tag`",
"items" : {
"$ref": "tag"
"description":"This is an array of strings",
"items" : {
"type": "string"
"description":"This is an array of integers.",
"items" : {
"type": "integer"
"description":"This is an enum value.",
"enum": ["Two Pigs","Duck","And 1 Cow"]
"description":"This is an integer Param",
"reason":"User Not Authorized"
"summary":"Fetches the leadresponder corresponding the the provided ID",
"responseTypeInternal": "Model_LeadResponder_RouteCollection"
"reason":"User Not Authorized"
"description":"leadresponder_route being created",
"summary":"Creates a new leadresponder",
"reason":"Invalid ID Provided"
"reason":"User Not Authorized"
"reason":"Lead Responder Not Found"
"description":"ID of the leadresponder being requested",
"description":"leadresponder_route being updated",
"responseTypeInternal" : "Model_LeadResponder_Route",
"summary":"Updates the existing leadresponder designated by the {leadresponder_id}"
"value":"Gets collection of leadresponders",
"description":"This is a long description of what it does",