
An English to Hebrew dictionary for common terms used in technology presented as an Anki deck (as well as other open source formats)

A Basic English-To-Hebrew Dictionary Built As An Anki Deck

This repository contains an English to Hebrew card deck providing translations in Hebrew of some commonly used words in the technology industry.

This resource is intended to be useful to those learning Hebrew and looking for specialist vocabulary, perhaps to help them at work.

The lexicon of technology is vast and ever-changing and compiling even a remotely authoritative list of words is probably an impossible undertaking.

Every best attempt has been made in compiling this information, but the author takes no responsibility arising from any inaccuracies or coworker embarassment arising from any part of the translation, including transliterations.

Intended Usage:

Download Anki

  1. Download Anki (Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android)


Import Card Deck In Your Preferred Format

Each release (if there will ever be more than one!) is exported in all available formats from Anki:

  • Anki Deck Package (.apkg)

  • Anki Collection Package (.colpkg)

  • Notes, plain text (.txt)

  • Cards, plain text (.txt)



Note Fields

The following table describes the fields used in the note cards:

Field Description
English The English word
English description A description of the term in English to demonstrate usage or remove any ambiguities
Hebrew (colloquial or main term) The main translation for this word used in Modern Hebrew as spoken in Israel. In the rare cases where these two entities differ, see 'Notes'
Hebrew (transliteration) The Hebrew term transliterated using English characters
Hebrew (plural) The plural of the term in Hebrew
Hebrew (formal term) Where available or in existence, a more formal term used for the same English term
Hebrew (other term 1) An additional term used in Hebrew
English term used? Where the term in English has a common translation in Hebrew, whether the English term is commonly used and understood in addition
Example usage (Hebrew) A sample usage of the term in Hebrew
Hebrew usage (link) A link to a URL containing demonstration(s) of the term in Hebrew

Other Fields

Tag fields used:

Tag name Description
Colloquial A colloquial definition
Hardware Thematic; a term related to hardware
Native_speaker_validated The translation card was validated by a native speaker of Modern Hebrew
Networking Thematic; related to networking
Source_Google_search The translation was sourced from a Google search (in part of whole)
Source_Google_Translate The translation was sourced from using Google Translate (in part of whole)




Want To Help?

Whether you've spotted some errors, have some words that should be included, or want to update an existing card, please feel free to reach out at the email listed on my profile homepage.

Alternatively, please create a pull request.


Daniel Rosehill

(public at danielrosehill dot com)