
Network schematics and purchasing notes for those interested in provisioning failover and bonded internet connectivity in Israel (using locally sourced hardware)

Backup internet Israel

The purpoes of this Github repository is to provide network schematics and documentation for private internet consumers in Israel dealing with poor connectivity from one of the two infrastructural providers (Bezeq or Hot; if you have fiber optic you're probably not worried about backup internet!)

This changelog and documentation will focus on ways of providing failover, load balancing, and bonded internet connectivity using locally sourced hardware. Preference will be given to solutions that involve owned hardware sourced from local technology stores such as Ivory and KSP. Hence, although connecting a USB modem into an ISP router is an easy means of achieving cellular failover, that method is not documented here.

This documentation is made available without warranty as to its accuracy.

All schematics and documentation by Daniel Rosehill.

Released for general use under Attribution 4.0 InternationalCreative Commons licensing.