Austin based Latinx working on digital inclusion, civic tech, climate protection + other nerdy stuff.
@open-austin Austin, Texas
Pinned Repositories
This simple CLI application creates a market of good for purchase by a user. This app will take in orders from the customer and deplete stock from the store's inventory accordingly. Information about the inventory is stored in a local SQL database.
An example of a basic personal website using nothing but HTML and CSS.
An example of a basic website using Bootstrap and CSS.
Don't press it. Seriously. https://danielryne.github.io/doombutton/
A full-stack app to help Fire Departments with scheduling issues. Built with React and Mongo DB in mind. Deployed version here: https://fireboard-app.herokuapp.com/
Find free events around Texas! Chrome extension available: http://bit.ly/freetexasapp
This is a compatibility-based "friend finder" application - basically, a dating app. This full-stack site will take in results from a user survey (about 10 questions), then compare their answers with those from other users. The app will then display the name and picture of the user with the best overall match. Deployed here: https://friend-matching.herokuapp.com/
A personal web scrapper built using MongoDB. This web app pulls articles from GearPatrol and allows users to save articles and add notes. Deployed here: https://gearhungry.herokuapp.com/
This node app takes in basic commands and gives results using the Twitter, Spotify and OMDB APIs.
A basic trivia game with 8 questions about National Parks. The user has the ability to try the quiz as many times as they'd like. A different animation plays when the user guesses correctly and when they guessed incorrectly, with a total of correct answers provided at the end. https://danielryne.github.io/Parks-Trivia/
danielryne's Repositories
A full-stack app to help Fire Departments with scheduling issues. Built with React and Mongo DB in mind. Deployed version here: https://fireboard-app.herokuapp.com/
This simple CLI application creates a market of good for purchase by a user. This app will take in orders from the customer and deplete stock from the store's inventory accordingly. Information about the inventory is stored in a local SQL database.
An example of a basic personal website using nothing but HTML and CSS.
An example of a basic website using Bootstrap and CSS.
Don't press it. Seriously. https://danielryne.github.io/doombutton/
Find free events around Texas! Chrome extension available: http://bit.ly/freetexasapp
This is a compatibility-based "friend finder" application - basically, a dating app. This full-stack site will take in results from a user survey (about 10 questions), then compare their answers with those from other users. The app will then display the name and picture of the user with the best overall match. Deployed here: https://friend-matching.herokuapp.com/
A personal web scrapper built using MongoDB. This web app pulls articles from GearPatrol and allows users to save articles and add notes. Deployed here: https://gearhungry.herokuapp.com/
This node app takes in basic commands and gives results using the Twitter, Spotify and OMDB APIs.
A basic trivia game with 8 questions about National Parks. The user has the ability to try the quiz as many times as they'd like. A different animation plays when the user guesses correctly and when they guessed incorrectly, with a total of correct answers provided at the end. https://danielryne.github.io/Parks-Trivia/
Who's that Pokemon? Catch'em all: https://danielryne.github.io/Pokemon-Hangman/
This is a basic app demonstrating Node and Express with jQuery. This app takes reservation requests for a restaurant that has only five tables available. The first five requests get a reservation, every request after that is sent to the waiting list. Deployed version here: https://reservations-app.herokuapp.com/
An example of a basic website with some media responsive properties, using HTML and CSS.
A simple Zelda-themed game where the player tries to match a number by clicking on Rupees that have hidden values. https://danielryne.github.io/Rupees/
A game of memory and Stranger Things. Try the game here: https://danielryne.github.io/stranger-clicks
This is webpage application that allows a user to create a train schedule by taking input, saving it to Firebase and then pulling it in to display. https://danielryne.github.io/trainscheduler/
Type something in, find some gifs, stay alive. https://danielryne.github.io/Walking-Dead-GIFs/