This app is focused on the architecture of angular and the user flow and not the ui design.
The app is a working progress.
- Component interaction
- Template manipulation
- Custom Directives
- Service and Dependency injection
- Routing
- Observable
- Forms maniputation
- Template Driven forms
- Reactive forms
- Http Request Handling
- Saving recipes to database
- User authentication
- Protecting routes with Guards
- Dynamic component
- Building dynamic components
- Deploying the app to a server
- Modulization of app
- Using NgRx (check "using-ngrx" branch)
- Using Angular Universal (check "using angular-universal" branch)
- Adding animation to the application
- Saving data to the firebase(shopping list)
- Adding offline capabilities to the application
- Writing unit test for the app
- Updating the UI with ant-design for angular
clone the app
cd into "app dir"
run "npm install"
run "npm start" and wait for the cli to open your default browser on localhost:5000
to use authentication (if new to firebase, else continue below)
- sign up to firebase
- after sign up, go to console
- add a new project
- in the console, click on runtime database as the database
- on the navbar, click on rules and add "auth != null" property to the read and write keys of the rule object and publish the changes.
- on the sidebar, click on on "authentication"
- enable method for authentication.(recommend using email and pasword)
- make using it is set to on user on email and pasword.(can ignore since it is default)
- On the sidebar, click on "settings icon"
- On the popup, select "prpject settings", will see the web API kEY below the first card
Adding API KEY to connect to datbase
- In the "src/auth/auth.service.ts", replace "[API_KEY]" with your API KEY from firebase.
Adding database user to connect to datbase and save
- In the "src/shared/data-storage.service.ts", replace "PROJECT URL" with your database url from firebase.(remember to keep the /reciepes.json, this is the file firebase writes to)