- 1
- 2
[Paper-Cut:AML-SDK] No direct way to copy/clone a curated environment into a custom environment in the model registry
#21 opened by CESARDELATORRE - 3
[Design-Issue:SDK] Why two Estimators (Estimator vs. SKLearn) for running Scikit-Learn models if there's no additional benefit/advantage for any of them?
#26 opened by CESARDELATORRE - 2
[Paper-Cut: SDK] Estimator class should be able to use a Curated Environment in addition to a Custom Environment
#27 opened by CESARDELATORRE - 0
- 0
- 0
- 2
Broken Links
#65 opened by swinner95 - 2
Interpretability Widget failing saying "NameError: name 'model' is not defined"
#55 opened by CESARDELATORRE - 3
- 1
[AutoML SDK] Can an AutoML experiment be submitted async from the notebook?
#56 opened by CESARDELATORRE - 1
Difficult to view VM size
#67 opened by swinner95 - 1
- 1
[Bug:ONNX-Runtime-Python-Helper] Scoring with ONNX model is very slow compared to original Scikit-Learn model
#64 opened by CESARDELATORRE - 1
Auto-deployment: Create release
#63 opened by manashgoswami - 1
- 1
ML Ops workshop missing steps
#61 opened by gvashishtha - 1
- 1
4-mlops Deploy Model as Webservice on Azure Container Instance hit name conflict error
#58 opened by metang - 1
hyperdrive metrics plot cut off, not possible to scroll from left-to-right on hyperdrive run UI
#54 opened by gvashishtha - 1
Deploy to ACI with auth in UI is not clear
#53 opened by prasanthpul - 0
[Paper-cut:AutoML UI] List of parent run shoundlt show the last child run
#52 opened by CESARDELATORRE - 1
Child runs not displaying hierarchy of runs
#50 opened by gvashishtha - 1
- 2
No way to rename datasets through UI
#49 opened by gvashishtha - 1
- 1
Discoverability of Settings Panel in Designer
#46 opened by gvashishtha - 1
Suggest to move designer section before automl to avoid the cluster being occupied by automl for hours
#45 opened by metang - 1
UI link order is wrong
#44 opened by prasanthpul - 1
Not clear which column the "Select Columns Transform" is selecting in Designer
#43 opened by gvashishtha - 1
AutoML: Duration does not update regularly
#42 opened by faxu - 1
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Data guardrails need some explanation
#40 opened by gvashishtha - 1
- 1
- 1
Min AutoML time is 1 hr
#38 opened by faxu - 1
AutoML UI says deep learning helps with text, but not true for category values
#36 opened by prasanthpul - 1
consistent naming convention
#35 opened by manashgoswami - 3
CORS error when creating dataset
#34 opened by gvashishtha - 1
Compute setup screenshot showing min_node=1
#33 opened by johnwu0604 - 1
training vs. inference cluster, how to separate
#32 opened by jpe316 - 2
[Bug:PaperCut:Perf-Issue] With small datasets, Remote AutoML needs a lot more time per run than Local training
#31 opened by CESARDELATORRE - 3
[Paper-Cut:ACI Deployment] Very slow deploying a single model container into ACI
#24 opened by CESARDELATORRE - 1
[AutoML+ONNX] Too many configurations
#57 opened by faxu - 1
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[Paper-Cut:UI] Poor usability in AML notebooks: Folders and files management in AML notebooks UI is not intuitive when creating folders or files
#23 opened by CESARDELATORRE - 1
[Paper-Cut:UI] Model Deployment from UI doesn't help on how to consume the model
#25 opened by CESARDELATORRE - 2
[Paper-Cut:SDK] Why two classes (Estimator and ScriptRunConfig) for a very similar purpose
#28 opened by CESARDELATORRE - 1
[Design-Issue] Why drop_column_names in AutoMLConfig only available for Forecast in AutoMLConfig but not for Regression and Classification?
#29 opened by CESARDELATORRE - 1
[Design-Issue:SDK] AutoML-DATA GUARDRAILS default behavior inconsistent between LOCAL vs. REMOTE runs
#30 opened by CESARDELATORRE