This is a Powershell Infrastruture as Code (iac) automation solution for a Secure Service Fabric Architecture.
# Result
Major Minor Build Revision
----- ----- ----- --------
5 1 17134 407
Get-Module Azure -list | Select-Object Name,Version
# Result
Name Version
---- -------
Azure 5.1.2
Get-Module AzureRM.* -list | Select-Object Name,Version
# Result
Name Version
---- -------
AzureRM.Compute 5.5.0
AzureRM.KeyVault 5.1.1
AzureRM.Network 6.5.0
AzureRM.Profile 5.4.0
AzureRM.Resources 6.4.0
AzureRM.Storage 5.0.2
Install Required PowerShell Modules if needed
Install-Module AzureRM
Import-Module AzureRM
The Network scheme is an ARM Network scheme with multiple subnets.
Network Resource Requirements:
- A Unique /24 Address Space ie:
- Azure Region Location (EastUS)
- Subnet 1 DefaultSubnet
- Subnet 2 GatewaySubnet
The architecture depends upon the following items:
- KeyVault - Fabric Configuration Information, Service Fabric Certificates
- Azure Storage Account - Diagnostic & Logging Storage
- Azure Network - 2 Subnets (Small)
- Azure Load Balancer - Public Facing Load Balancer with NAT
- Azure VM Scale Set with Azure Service Fabric Cluster
Size | vCPU | Memory (GiB) | Network Bandwidth MBps | Instances |
Standard_D2_v2 | 2 | 7 | 1500 | 1 |
OS Disk | Disk Type | Disk Throughput (IOPS/MBps) |
Managed SSD | Standard_LRS |
Environment files are used as project environments ie: dev, test, production and provide a convenient place to place override parameter settings. The majority of these settings are loaded into a Key Vault to be used for the CI/CD Pipelines.
Create an environment setting file in the root directory ie: .env_dev.ps1
Default Environment Settings
Parameter | Default | Description |
AZURE_TENANT | xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx | Azure Tenant Id |
AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION | xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx | Azure Subscription Id |
AZURE_PRINCIPAL | xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx | Azure Principal App Id |
AZURE_LOCATION | EastUS2 | Azure Region for Resources to be located |
AZURE_ANALYTICS | xxxxxxx | Azure Log Analytics Name |
AZURE_RANDOM | 123 | 3 Digit Random Identifier |
AZURE_GROUP | fabric | Azure Resource Group Name |
AZURE_USERNAME | localAdmin | Default Local Admin UserName |
AZURE_PASSWORD | localPassword | Default Local Admin Password |
FABRIC_TIER | bronze | Service Fabric Durability Level |
FABRIC_NODE_COUNT | 1 | Service Fabric NodeSet Instance Count |
Resources are broken up into sections only for the purpose of not having an excessively long running task.
Set-AzureRmContext -Subscription "<subscription_name>"
This will create the resource group and the keyvault, then load all the configurations needed into the Key Vault. Environments align themselves in the naming conventions used.
dev --> .env_dev.ps1 test --> .env_test.ps1 prd --> .env_prd.ps1
# Prepare the Base Resources
./install.ps1 -Prepare $true -Environment 'dev'
RBAC is an optional security feature that will allow a user to login via Azure AD credentials. To perform this the user running the script "must" have administration rights within Azure AD, as this will execute the aadtool scripts.
This only needs to be performed 1 time to enable the AD Integration Applications that can be used.
# Install the Cluster Resources
./install.ps1 -RBAC $true -Environment 'dev'
# Add the Application Information into the .env file.
$Env:CLUSTER_APP = "<your_web_application>"
$Env:CLIENT_APP = "<your_native_client_app>"
Note: After creation you have to add the user to the Users & Groups fpr the Enterprise Cluster Application and give them the authorized role.
This will setup the storage, network and load balancer resources.
# Install the Routing Resources
./install.ps1 -Infrastructure $true -Cluster $true -Environment 'dev'
# Deploy the Ingress Controller (UI on Port 8080)
./deploy.ps1 -Environment 'dev' -Name Traefik
# Deploy the Desired Application Package (UI on Port 80)
./deploy.ps1 -Environment dev -Name SimpleApp.SfProd
./deploy.ps1 -Environment dev -Name Voting