
Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Download PI SDK

Download the PI AF SDK and extract into a directory entitled afsdk

Base SDK Docker file

Build the SDK Docker file

docker build -f sdk.Dockerfile -t osi-sdk:4.7.2 .

Base Runtime Docker file

Build the Runtime Docker file

# escape=`
docker build -f runtime.Dockerfile -t osi-runtime:4.7.2 .

Build the Test Code Base

Build the sample application to test pi connectivity

docker build -f Dockerfile -t pitest:latest .

Execute the Test Code Base Docker File to Test Connection

Execute the container and feed it credentials to test connectivity to PI from a Container

# These are for Task Runner
$Env:PI_USER = "pi_user"
$Env:PI_PASSSWORD = "pi_password"
$Env:PI_DOMAIN = "pi_domain"
$Env:AF_NAME = "pi_server.com"
$Env:PI_NAME = "pi_name"

docker run -it `
    -e PI_USER=$Env:PI_USER `
    -e AF_NAME=$Env:AF_NAME `
    -e PI_NAME=$Env:PI_NAME `

Build the IoT Edge Module

Build the sample application to test pi connectivity

cd module
docker build -f module.Dockerfile -t custom-win-sensor:latest .

Deploy the IoT Edge Module