This proof of concept implements a 3 region multi path website controlled by Traffic Manager to route traffic to the proper location.
This proof of concept uses the following Azure load-balancing and services portfolio: Traffic Manager, Application Gateway, App Service Plan, and Web Apps.
Traffic Manager provides global DNS load balancing. It looks at incoming DNS requests and responds with a healthy endpoint. Performance is the currently selected routing option.
Application Gateway provides the delivery controller using the Layer 7 load balancing capabilities to route traffic based on the URI to different Web Apps.
App Services provides the hosting of the Web App and API App.
The following design goals were achieved by this POC.
Multi-geo redundancy: If one region goes down, Traffic Manager routes traffic seamlessly to the closest region without any involvment from the application owner.
Reduced Latency: Traffic Manager automatically directs the customer to the closet region
Application Seperation: The application is deployed as seperate websites but are presented as a single website and solves for complex CORS rules and presents the ability to do SSL offloading.
Note: This proof of concept automatically deploys a small hello world sample PHP app to the web and api sites to show what backend is delivering the content.
Automatically Deploy the Solution:
Manually Deploy the Solution:
# Azure CLI Instructions
az group create --name demo --location southcentralus
az group deployment create --name appgw-path-demo `
--template-file azuredeploy.json `
--resource-group demo
# Azure Powershell Instructions
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name demo -Location southcentralus
New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -Name appgw-path-demo `
-TemplateFile azuredeploy.json `
-ResourceGroupName demo