
Sample Web Code for web & api path test

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Proof of Concept - Application Gateway using Multipath

This proof of concept implements a 3 region multi path website controlled by Traffic Manager to route traffic to the proper location.

0 Architecture Diagram

This proof of concept uses the following Azure load-balancing and services portfolio: Traffic Manager, Application Gateway, App Service Plan, and Web Apps.

  • Traffic Manager provides global DNS load balancing. It looks at incoming DNS requests and responds with a healthy endpoint. Performance is the currently selected routing option.

  • Application Gateway provides the delivery controller using the Layer 7 load balancing capabilities to route traffic based on the URI to different Web Apps.

  • App Services provides the hosting of the Web App and API App.

The following design goals were achieved by this POC.

  • Multi-geo redundancy: If one region goes down, Traffic Manager routes traffic seamlessly to the closest region without any involvment from the application owner.

  • Reduced Latency: Traffic Manager automatically directs the customer to the closet region

  • Application Seperation: The application is deployed as seperate websites but are presented as a single website and solves for complex CORS rules and presents the ability to do SSL offloading.

Note: This proof of concept automatically deploys a small hello world sample PHP app to the web and api sites to show what backend is delivering the content.

Automatically Deploy the Solution:

Manually Deploy the Solution:

# Azure CLI Instructions
az group create  --name demo --location southcentralus
az group deployment create --name appgw-path-demo `
 --template-file azuredeploy.json `
 --resource-group demo

# Azure Powershell Instructions
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name demo -Location southcentralus
New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -Name appgw-path-demo `
  -TemplateFile azuredeploy.json `
  -ResourceGroupName demo