This is a ruby on rails app for the Intricately Challanged API.
Docker is required.
Clone this repository (you need git installed):
git clone
In this repository create and run the containers:
docker-compose up --build app
It will create a postgres container database and ruby container for install the ruby dependencies and start rails server on port 3000.
Setup database:
docker-compose run app bundle exec rake db:setup
Migrate database:
docker-compose run app bundle exec rails db:migrate
docker-compose run test bundle exec rails db:migrate
Get a bash into app container, run:
docker-compose run app bash
Tests are stored in the
folder. To run them execute:docker-compose up --build test
To add data:
curl -d '{"ip": "", "hostnames_attributes": [""]}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:3000/domain_naming_registries
To get data:
curl -X GET -d 'page=1&included[][]' http://localhost:3000/domain_naming_registries