
Bootstrap style buttons with Font Awesome

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT



  • You will need to remove any imports in your project and re-import in your java files, and change the component names in your layouts - this was because the package names didn't change when I renamed my library project, hopefully they make a lot more sense now.
  • It was brought up that the layout attributes weren't actually unique which caused an issue if you had more than one library. I have prefixed all Bootstrap button attributes with "bb_" and Font Awesome Text with "fa_" so hopefully it won't ever be an issue in future.

Apologies for any inconvenience these changes may cause, hopefully this means there won't be any more updates which break previous versions in future!

alt text

If you have any questions, issues, or just want to let us know where you're using Android Bootstrap tweet us at @BeardedHen or email danielle@de-velopment.com


  • Uses min SDK 7 which is Android 2.1 (Tested on a device running Android 2.2)
  • Bootstrap buttons as per Bootstrap v3
  • Rounded buttons
  • Disabled buttons
  • Various sized buttons (large to extra small)
  • Just text buttons
  • Left, right, left and right, or just icon button
  • Font Awesome text as per Font Awesome v4
  • Animations to Font Awesome Text items
  • EditText backgrounds

#How to use

Please look at the wiki for help especially the installation guide if you have never installed a library before


Please find included an AndroidBootstrapTest project. Inside the activity_main.xml layout file is examples of how to achieve each of the following buttons:

Bootstrap Buttons

alt text

Rounded Bootstrap Button

alt text


alt text


alt text


alt text

Font Awesome Text

alt text


alt text