
A full API Management demo using a private APIM in VNET setup with Terraform.

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Full API Management Demo

This demo uses Terraform to create an Azure API Management service internally in a VNET. Primary points of interest include generating SSL certificates on the fly wtih Let's Encrypt, and exposing the APIM service through an Application Gateway.

Change Directory

cd terraform

Terraform Init

# Use remote storage
terraform init --backend-config ./backend-secrets.tfvars

Terraform Plan and Apply

# Run the plan to see the changes
terraform plan \
-var 'base_name=cdw-apimdemo-20210608' \
-var 'location=westus2' \
-var 'root_dns_name=apimdemo.com' \
-var 'contact_email=chwieder@microsoft.com' \

# Apply the script with the specified variable values
terraform apply \
-var 'base_name=cdw-apimdemo-20210608' \
-var 'location=westus2' \
-var 'root_dns_name=apimdemo.com' \
-var 'contact_email=chwieder@microsoft.com' \