This project have as goal exporse uma api where one type of backend can mantain them products and expose for others API.


  1. one Bar can list all producsts using this api 2 one employ can mantain the produduct list (insert, update , delete)
  2. main features: list products existents and mantain products

Startup application

  1. Up mongodb container: docker-compose -f devops/docker-compose.yml up --build -d

  2. Start springboot application with gradle and generate jar ./gradlew clean build bootRun or Start with jar java -jar build/libs/products-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

  3. Create a new user ( dont neeed permition)

PUT http://localhost:8080/user-application/mannager/new-user

{ "name": "Administration", "username": "root", "password": "root", "admin" : true }

  1. Swagger - API Documentation http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html

use one user and password created

  1. For HTTP Requisitions use follow credentials ( if executed the postman new-user)

user: root password: root

  1. You can use postman collection attached for examples.

import in your postman -> http://localhost:8080/v2/api-docs

Accessing mongodb (IDE Web)


Stop and remove container

docker-compose -f devops/docker-compose.yml down

Importing code in your IDE

  1. Import gradle project in your intellij for exemple
  2. You will need lombok plugin

URL Patterns for follow in this project

  1. protected - for users with role user
  2. admin - for users with role admin