
PPA Control automates add-apt-repository

Primary LanguageShell


PPA Add and Remove Repositorys

Substitute ppa-purge at Debian and your childs.

Only automates 'add-apt-repository' and 'add-apt-repository --remove':.

For install use the bellow commands:

Create the file:

sudo nano /usr/local/bin/ppa-control

Content the file:



action=$1 ppa=$2

if [ -z $ppa ]; then echo "PPA not defined" exit fi

if [ $action = 'add' ]; then sudo add-apt-repository $ppa #echo "" elif [ $action = 'remove' ]; then sudo add-apt-repository --remove $ppa #echo "" else echo "Action not defined." fi

Authorize the file for execution:

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ppa-control