
Confitura 2014 challenge.

Primary LanguageJava

Allegro JamJars

You are a manager in Jam Factory. Your task is to deploy jars full of delicious jams from shelves in basement to boxes that are ready to ship, N pieces each. You are pretty lazy manager, so you want your code to be as short and concise as possible. In fact, if you make your code really short and sweet, you will get a prize from us!

So, your task is to:

  • take all the jars from shelves
  • throw out stale jams, so only best quality, fresh jams reach our customers
  • sort them by flavor name in reverse order
  • put them in boxes, N in each box

Having those requirements in mind, please tak a look at pl.allegro.itm.confitura.JamJars class, where you should put your code. We also prepared bunch of tests to make your life easier, they are located in pl.allegro.itm.confitura.JamJarsTest.


  • code passes all unit tests
  • make your code base as small as possible - we won't count chars, but number of operations
  • make your code sexy - last person that thought for..each was cool retired in 00s
  • make your code efficient
  • code quality matters!
  • if there are multiple high-quality applications, first one wins (sorted by time of last commit)


  • Java (1.8 by default)
  • Groovy
  • any library you need (Guava included by default)


  • fork this repository
  • code!
  • when you are ready, come to our booth @ Confitura and apply
  • competition ends at 17:00