
Complex Reinforcement Learning Simulation for PiH task used for M.Sc. degree.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Reinforcement Learning Simulation Framework for PiH assembly task.

Simulation framework created based on Robosuite framework (https://github.com/ARISE-Initiative/robosuite). It utilizes mujoco engine to model phyiscs of the enviornment. This repository contains simulation framework used to learn impedance parameters using reinforcement learning, more specifcally PPO.

System Overview

  • Robot: UR5e (6DOF)
  • Controller: PD (in free space) and Impedance + PD (in contact)
  • Trajectory planner: Minimum jerk trajectory
  • RL: Utilizes PPO for learning impedance parameters based on stable baseline 3 implementation.
  • Facilitates parallel learning: more specifically creation of parallel enviornments for experience collection


Run main_model_learn.py for learning, evaluation, visualization.
To use parallel learning functionality use main_multi_learn.py.


For details see https://github.com/ARISE-Initiative/robosuite.

Configuration Options

The configuration option will be explained base on main_model_learn.py

  • use_spiral: [boolean] whether to use spiral search
  • use_ml: whether to use ML model
  • use_impedance: if True, impedance controller is used for the contact stage of simulation, else a PD controller is utilized
  • plot_graphs: whether to display graphs at the end of episode (for training set to False)
  • error_type: [ring, None, fixed]: defines position error type
  • error_vec: defines magnitude of position error for error_type=fixed
  • overlap_wait_time: defines wait time when switching between spiral search and impedance control
  • mode: eval/new_train/continue_train: self explanatory

More details


  • Custom environment for PiH includes peg, board with a hole. Can be found in robosuite/enviornments/manipulation/peg_in_hole_4_mm.py
  • Custom controllers including PD and Impedance Controllers for PiH, PiH with spiral search. Can be found robosuite/controllers/...
  • Main run files:
  1. To run evaluation/ visualization or learning using one environment at a time use: main_model_learn.py
  2. For learning using multiple environments using stable-baselines-3 use: main_multi_learn.py

Important to note

  1. When learning is completed two new folders will be created: /robosuite/robosuite: contains various callbacks, best models, and network parameters /robosuite/learning_logs contains tensorboard logs that can be used via tensorboard --logdir=./learning_1 to display interactive plots.
  2. To figure out multiprocessing go to sb3 github and look for issues with my username, I asked a lot of question so you will be able to figure it out based on responses I got :)

Good Luck !