
Primary LanguageTypeScript


Forked from SaaS-starter.


Following microservices architecture, the backend is separated into several smaller components (as suggested by nodebestpractices), each being a separate Express app.




Use Application Default Credentials (ADC)

gcloud init
gcloud auth application-default login

When you're done:

gcloud auth application-default revoke

🌎 Environment variables used by the Firebase client library:


These can be found in project settings > general > your apps in the code snippet at the bottom of the page. Copy + paste them in /.vscode/.env as ${KEY}=${VALUE}.

Global node dependencies:

npm install -g typescript to globally install Typescript.

npm i -g gitmoji-cli to install and gitmoji init in the cloned repository to be prompted for commit message emojis at every commit (works like a pre-commit-hook). Categorizes commits in a silly way.


A development server can be started for each packages with a universal command: yarn dev, ran from the root of each packages, for example:

>>> pwd
>>> yarn dev
yarn run ...


Documents (just PDF for now, later support for more file types) uploaded by users are stored in Firebase cloud storage. Document metadata, project data, additional user data, and such, are stored in a Firestore in several collections. The read/write rules of collections are tracked in firebase.rules.


Deployments are done with Terraform Cloud, which receives GCP credentials through GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS environment variable, which should be set to the json key of a (manually created) service account without newlines. The json key can be retrieved through the GCP console and can be transformed to a single line using cat ~/Downloads/keyfile.json | tr -s '\n' ' '.

When the project is deployed for the first time, some manual steps are required to bootstrap the project. After deploying google_firebase_web_app, go to the console and go through the "OAuth consent screen page" steps. Then, go to the credentials page and add a web application. Make sure that https://{PROJECT_ID}.firebaseapp.com is in "Authorized JavaScript origins" and https://{PROJECT_ID}.firebaseapp.com/__/auth/handler in "Authorized redirect URIs".

Pass the oauth_client_secret variable in Terraform Cloud.


  • The projects are not under an organization and therefor it's not allowed to create a new project in Google Cloud using Terraform. You can create a project manually and import it in Terraform state using the CLI. Once you've done that it's probably needed to enable a couple of API's. The real solution would be to move all projects to an organization and give the service principal admin rights on that organization. But then again, how often do you deploy environments?


On opening a pull request:

  • Build and test packages
  • Build docker images
  • Run speculative Terraform plan

On pushing to main:

  • Run apply Terraform plan


Use Stripe and explore stripe Terraform providers to track pricing changes with git.


✅ Terraform TODO: add credentials to Terraform Cloud. Terraform example

Testing TODO: use Firebase emulator to run unit tests

✅ Structure TODO: checkout best practice monorepo project structures

Workflow TODO: add pre-commit hooks - Protect main branch

✅ Workflow TODO: run tests in pipeline

Deployment TODO: create Dockerfiles

Workflow TODO: build and push docker images to GCR in pipeline

Add Terraform job in build pipeline to taint the cloud run services. Checkout tfci.

docker run -it --rm \
  -e "TF_HOSTNAME" \
  -e "TF_API_TOKEN" \
  hashicorp/tfci:latest \
  tfci run show --help