This is the source code for my personal website, blog & playground. You can read about what/why/how/where the site was built in this blog post
Here's a shortlist of tools, libraries and services used to build this website.
- ESLint and Prettier
- React - Server side only (SSR)
- Next.js - Static site generation (SSG)
- MDX - Markdown + JSX
- date-fns - JavaScript date utility library
- Fela - State-driven atomic CSS styling in JavaScript
- UglifyJS - Minifier for client-side ES5 vanilla JavaScript code
- Prism & prism-react-renderer - Syntax highlighting for code examples
- - Uses just-in-time preloading — it preloads a page right before a user clicks on it.
- Zeit Now - Zero config static site deployments, reverse proxy & CDN
- Simple Analytics - Like Google Analytics, but simple