Shamir BIP39
Applies Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme to BIP39 mnemonics.
Proposed specification: ethereum/EIPs#3450
yarn add shamir-bip39
npm install --save shamir-bip39
Split Mnemonic
Split a BIP39 mnemonic into the specified number of shares such that the threshold number of shares are required to recover the original. Each share is a BIP39 mnemonic and an id. Both the mnemonic and the id are required to recover the original mnemonic.
Accepts a BIP39 mnemonic and returns a Shares
map, in which the keys are the share id's and the values are the BIP39 mnemonics.
import { splitMnemonic } from 'shamir-bip39';
const mnemonic =
'jelly better achieve collect unaware mountain thought cargo oxygen act hood bridge';
// Generate 3 shares and require 2 to recover the mnemonic
const shares = splitMnemonic(mnemonic, 3, 2);
// `splitMnemonic` will generate different shares on every run.
// One example result:
'liquid use shine dentist aspect brief neither learn hope tourist tray cinnamon',
'liberty antique mean describe wrestle man latin right gown shield decide dynamic',
'install video evil clutch butter asset answer toss noodle captain rate jacket',
Recover Mnemonic
Given a Shares
object, returns the recovered BIP39 mnemonic.
Note: If the number of shares provided does not meet the threshold, recoverMnemonic
will still return a valid BIP39 mnemonic. It just won't be the same as the initial one stored. The user is responsible for providing the minimum number of shares.
import { recoverMnemonic } from 'shamir-bip39';
const shares = {
'liquid use shine dentist aspect brief neither learn hope tourist tray cinnamon',
'install video evil clutch butter asset answer toss noodle captain rate jacket',
const originalMnemonic = recoverMnemonic(shares);
'jelly better achieve collect unaware mountain thought cargo oxygen act hood bridge'
Heavily borrowed from grempe's secrets.js for the implementation of Shamir's and the finite field arithmetic.
With additional inspiration from