README file for HPCServer Grid Scheduler ======================================= - System requeriments, and software versions used in this platform: CentOS 6.x x86_64 Python 2.4.4 ZeroC Ice 3.4.0 HPCServer Grid Scheduler configuration step-by-step ================================================== Primary Registry configuration ------------------------------ 1 - Unprivileged user creation for security reasons. adduser executor su - executor 2 - Working dir of HPCServer Grid Scheduler: mkdir Ice cd Ice 3 - Install Python 2.4.4 the only tested platform: wget tar xvjf Python-2.4.4.tar.bz2 cd Python-2.4.4 ./configure --prefix=/home/executor/Ice/python2.4 make make install 4 - IceGrid 3.4.0 deployment: mkdir download && cd download wget wget tar xvzf Ice-3.4.0-rhel5-x86_64-rpm.tar.gz cd /home/executor/Ice rpm2cpio download/ice-3.4.0-1.rhel5.noarch.rpm | cpio -ivd rpm2cpio download/ice-python-3.4.0-1.rhel5.x86_64.rpm | cpio -ivd rpm2cpio download/ice-libs-3.4.0-1.rhel5.x86_64.rpm | cpio -ivd rpm2cpio download/ice-servers-3.4.0-1.rhel5.x86_64.rpm | cpio -ivd rpm2cpio download/ice-utils-3.4.0-1.rhel5.x86_64.rpm | cpio -ivd rpm2cpio download/db48-4.8.24-1ice.rhel5.x86_64.rpm | cpio -ivd rm -fr etc 5 - Minimal folder staff: mkdir -p /home/executor/Ice/var/run /home/executor/Ice/var/lib/icegrid/registry /home/executor/Ice/var/lock/subsys 6 - Primary Registry configuration files: cp -r liberacion-github/etc_config/primary-registry/etc /home/executor/Ice 7 - Running the Primary Registry: [executor@host001 ]$ /home/executor/Ice/etc/init.d/icegridregistry start Starting icegridregistry: [ OK ] Secondary Registry configuration -------------------------------- Repeat step from 1 to 5: 6 - Secondary Registry configuration files: cp -r liberacion-github/etc_config/secondary-registry/etc /home/executor/Ice 7 - Running the Secondary Registry: [executor@host002 ]$ /home/executor/Ice/etc/init.d/icegridregistry start Starting icegridregistry: [ OK ] Node configuration ------------------ Repeat step from 1 to 4: 5 - Minimal folder staff: mkdir -p /home/executor/Ice/var/run /home/executor/Ice/var/lib/icegrid/node /home/executor/Ice/var/lock/subsys 6 - Execution Node configuration files: cp -r liberacion-github/etc_config/node/etc /home/executor/Ice 7 - Running the Execution Node: [executor@host003 ~]$ /home/executor/Ice/etc/init.d/icegridnode start Starting icegridnode: [ OK ] Testing the installation ------------------------ - Setting up the minimal enviroment: ICEGRID_HOME=/home/executor PYTHONPATH=$ICEGRID_HOME/Ice/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/Ice/:$ICEGRID_HOME/Ice/python2.4/lib/python2.4/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ICEGRID_HOME/Ice/usr/lib64/ PATH=$PATH:/home/executor/Ice/usr/bin/ export PYTHONPATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH PATH - Checking the IceGrid components deployed: [executor@host001 ~]$ cat config.cfg Ice.Default.Locator=HPCBanestoGrid/Locator:tcp -h host001 -p 4061 [executor@host001 ~]$ Ice/usr/bin/icegridadmin --Ice.Config=config.cfg -u executor -p xxx Ice 3.4.0 Copyright 2003-2010 ZeroC, Inc. >>> registry list Secondary host002 Master >>> node list host003 host004 >>> Application deployment ---------------------- cp -r DISTRIB /home/executor DISTRIB/ ├── HPCServer │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ └── utils │ ├── │ ├── │ └── └── HPCServer.xml cd DISTRIB icepatch2calc HPCServer icegridadmin --Ice.Config=../config.cfg -u executor -p xxx -e 'application add HPCServer.xml' # icegridadmin --Ice.Config=../config.cfg -u executor -p xxx -e 'application remove HPCServer' icegridadmin --Ice.Config=config.cfg -u grid -p xxx -e 'application list' HPCServer icegridadmin --Ice.Config=../config.cfg -u executor -p xxx -e 'server list' HPCServer-host003 HPCServer-host004 HPCServer.IcePatch2 Octave framework configuration ------------------------------ yum install octave hdf5 ln -sf /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/ Node executor staff ------------------- You have to deploy on each executor node this folder in order to run the Monte Carlo pricing simulation with octave. home/executor/ameba └── 364 ├── └── AsianOption.m Client execution --------------- cd CLIENT sh {{ putPrice 0.35879 callPrice 0.49347 }} {{ putPrice 0.35819 callPrice 0.49189 }} {{ putPrice 0.35677 callPrice 0.49583 }} simple_1380107850 5.56776213646 5.56705594063 0.0 False False Notes ----- This sample of IceGrid from ZeroC Ice shows the execution of Monte Carlo Asian Pricing simulation using Octave. The code is ready to set up different Octave enviroments. If you have any questions, please feel free to send an to <>