
Satchmo Bank Transfer Payment Module

Primary LanguagePython

This is a fork from the original satchmo-bank-transfer by aronchi (https://github.com/aronchi/satchmo-bank-transfer), and merged with some good ideas from gz (https://github.com/gz/satchmo-bank-transfer).
I've added some other changes to make it work and place all the needed resources in one place.

# How it works

It sends an email with your store bank IBAN and SWIFT code to the customer.

# Installation:

1) Copy the source to your project_dir/payment/modules/bank_transfer

2) Customize and move templates where you want

2) Configure it in your http://www.store.com/settings

4) Other proposal for "order_complete.txt" by aronchi (https://github.com/aronchi/satchmo-bank-transfer):

{% trans "Payment" %}
{% if order.credit_card %}
 ..(nothing changes here)..
{% else %}
{% for p in order.payments.all %}{% ifnotequal p.amount 0 %}
{% trans "Payment Method" %}: {{p.payment}} - {{p.amount|floatformat:2}} ({{p.time_stamp|date:"d-m-Y H:i"}})
{% ifequal p.payment "BANK_TRANSFER" %}

{% trans "Bank Transfer" %}
~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~
{% trans "The order will hold until we'll receive bank confirmation of the money transfer." %}
{% trans "Send the total payment amount to this bank account:" %}

{% trans "Account Owner" %} :{{p.getPaymentMethodConfig.OWNER}} 
{% trans "IBAN" %}: {{p.getPaymentMethodConfig.IBAN}}
{% trans "SWIFT" %}: {{p.getPaymentMethodConfig.SWIFT}}
{% trans "Total" %}: {{p.amount|floatformat:2|currency}} 

~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~
{% endifequal %}