
iOS test app fot TransferWise

Primary LanguageSwift


iOS test app fot TransferWise


Twitter provides an endpoint that delivers a continuous stream of tweets filtered by a keyword (https://stream.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/filter.json?track=transferwise)

Using the latest version of Swift build an iOS application in your usual coding style that shows a realtime display of the latest 5 tweets associated with this keyword.


  • Twitter OAuth authentication
  • Twitter Stream for "transferwise" keyword
    • Update collectionview with batch update
    • Showing no more than 5 tweets
    • Filter duplications from stream events
    • Displaying alert at errors
  • MVVM Design pattern with FRP
  • Navigation with Coordinators
  • POP approach

What is missing?

  • Unfortunatelly no tests were written (due to lack of time, sorry about that)
  • Lost connection / Reachability handling
  • Reconnecting to lost stream

How to try it out?

  1. If checked out from the GitHub repo: You have to install dependencies by pod install in terminal
  2. Open TransferTweets.xcworkspace
  3. Build and Run the aplication on Simulator or Device, with iOS 11.0 or later
  4. At login screen tap on "Login with Twitter" button then Authorize the application
  5. If your're logged in, with another device open Twitter in your webbrowser and post something that contains the word "transferwise". E.g.: "transferwise test app".
  6. You're tweets going to appear in the application, no more than 5 of them at once.
