
Filtering Matches

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Filtering Matches

Note: I'm stronger in the back-end I've concentrated more time and effort on that.

This project was made with the following technologies:

Back-end: Spring Boot, Spring MVC and Spring Data

Front-end: React

Database: Mongo DB

Requeriments to build and run the application

To deploy and execute this application in your machine you need the following requirements installed:

  • Maven
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • JDK8
  • Node

Database set up

Go to the project root directory $DIRECTORY_PATH/filtering-matches and execute:

docker-compose up -d

This command will create a Mongo DB container and import all data required.

If everything is fine you will see a new Docker container running on port 27017.

Use the command docker ps to verify. You should see the container filtering-matches_mongodb_1 with status UP.

Back-end set up

The back-end has unit tests and integration tests.

Go to the project root directory $DIRECTORY_PATH/filtering-matches/filtering-service

To run the unit tests execute the command:

./mvnw clean test

To run the integration tests you need to have the MongoDB container up and running, after that, execute the command:

./mvnw clean integration-test

This command will make many HTTP GET requests to the REST API.

To run the application execute the command:

./mvnw spring-boot:run

If everything was fine you should see a new process running on port 8080. To verify just access Swagger UI: link

Example of HTTP request with all filters:

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/match/filter?page=0&size=10000&has_photo=true&in_contact=true&favourite=true&compatibility_score=0.82&age=84&height=200&distance_in_km=278&longitude=-0.118092&latitude=51.509865'

Front-end set up

Go to the project root directory $DIRECTORY_PATH/filtering-matches/matches-ui.

Execute install command:

npm install

Execute run command:

npm start

You should see a new process running on port 3000 endpoint.

I'm using Cypress to run some screen integration tests:


To open Cypress runner execude the following command as root:

sudo npm run cypress:open

The Cypress runner application will be opened. Click on Run all specs to execute screen tests.