
WayFarer is a public bus transportation booking server. You are required to develop the back-end API. Built with JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

WayFarer Build Status Coverage Status Maintainability Test Coverage


WayFarer is a public bus transportation booking server. You are required to develop the back-end API.


WayFarer was developed with JavaScript (ES6), Node.js using Express 4.
with Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide

Swagger Documentation

API endpoints Documentation URL - https://wayfareran.herokuapp.com/api/v1/docs/

API Information

API endpoints URL - https://wayfareran.herokuapp.com/

POST Sign Up api/v1/auth/signup
POST Sign In api/v1/auth/signin
POST Admin can create a trip api/v1/trips
PATCH Admin can cancel a trip api/v1/trips/:tripId
GET Both Admin and Users can see all trips api/v1/bookings
POST Users can book a seat on a trip api/v1/bookings
GET View all bookings. api/v1/bookings
DELETE Users can delete their booking api/v1/bookings/:bookingId

Sample Users

Username: admin@wayfarer.com
Password: Domi@2019

Username: user1@wayfarer.com
Password: Domi@2019

Running Locally

Make sure you have Node.js 12.0.0 installed and POSTMAN.

git clone https://github.com/danielufeli/andelamf.git
cd andelamf
npm install
npm start

Wafarer app should now be running on localhost:3000.


Daniel Ufeli