Random warp bg fetcher

Get a new warp background every day!

Add to your starup file (e.g. .zshrc):

npx get-warp-bg

Switch your active theme in the warp settings to "Random Bg".

Feel free to edit the opacity and anything else in ~/.warp/themes/random_bg/random_bg.yaml

What does it do?

  1. Creates a random_bg theme in your ~/.warp/themes/ if not already there
  2. Checks if you already got a new image today, limiting to 1 per day (use --force to override)
  3. Scrapes a random image from "https://deepdreamgenerator.com/"
  4. Sets that image as the background for the "Random Bg" theme


--force    Forces fetching a new random image. Normally this is limited to one per