A bunch of my talks on Ruby on Rails, Flex and related matters.
I gave this talk at the Denver 360Flex 2012 Conference on 'Building iPad Apps with Flex'. You can find a record of the talk on my blog at http://n-so.com/blog/2012/04/18/screencast-building-ipad-apps-with-flex
I gave this talk at the AdobeMax 360 Unconference on Wednesday October 5th 2011. This talk was originally scheduled for the Flex track at Adobe Max, but was then "promoted" to the 360Flex unconference as the topic was too specialized.
You can find a recording of a preview I gave of this talk at http://n-so.com/screencasts.html, see screencast #9 Flex With Ruby on Rails talk - An AdobeMax preview
I gave this talk at the Denver Flex User Group on September 15th 2011. http://www.ria5280.org/calendar/event/2011/9/15/263001
We gave this 4 hour tutorial at RailsConf 2008. You'll find this slides and companion code under https://github.com/danielwanja/railsconf2008/