
Future home of helm3 chart

Primary LanguageMustache


This is helm repository for RocketChat charts. Follow the steps below to start deploying any of them in your Kubernetes cluster.



Be sure you have helm3 binary insalled, add this repository and install rocketchat chart:

$ helm repo add rocketchat https://rocketchat.github.io/helm-charts

And check our rocketchat server helm chart folder for more instructions here


We still support helm2, this will only work using helm2 binary and tiller deployment running in your k8s cluster:

$ helm repo add rocketchat https://rocketchat.github.io/helm-charts
$ helm install --set mongodb.mongodbUsername=rocketchat,mongodb.mongodbPassword=changeme,mongodb.mongodbDatabase=rocketchat,mongodb.mongodbRootPassword=root-changeme --name my-rocketchat rocketchat/rocketchat --version 3.0.0