Documentation for Warmup Assignment 2


Comments: use "make" to build


Basic running of the code : 100 out of 100 pts

Missing required section(s) in README file : 0 (Comments: included)
Cannot compile :0 (Comments: successful)
Compiler warnings :0 (Comments: successful)
"make clean" :0 (Comments: use "make clean")
Segmentation faults :0 (Comments: successful)
Separate compilation :0 (Comments: successful)
Using busy-wait :0 (Comments: No)
Handling of commandline arguments:
    1) -n : 0 (Comments: successful)
    2) -lambda :0 (Comments: successful)
    3) -mu :0 (Comments: successful)
    4) -r :0 (Comments: successful)
    5) -B :0 (Comments: successful)
    6) -P :0 (Comments: successful)
Trace output :
    1) regular packets: 0(Comments: successful)
    2) dropped packets: 0(Comments: successful)
    3) removed packets: 0(Comments: successful)
    4) token arrival (dropped or not dropped):0 (Comments: successful)
Statistics output :
    1) inter-arrival time :0 (Comments: successful)
    2) service time :0 (Comments: successful)
    3) number of customers in Q1 :0 (Comments: successful)
    4) number of customers in Q2 :0 (Comments: successful)
    5) number of customers at a server :0 (Comments: successful)
    6) time in system :0 (Comments: successful)
    7) standard deviation for time in system :0 (Comments: successful)
    8) drop probability :0 (Comments: successful)
Output bad format :0 (Comments: successful)
Output wrong precision for statistics (should be 6-8 significant digits) :0 (Comments: successful)
Large service time test :0 (Comments: successful)
Large inter-arrival time test : 0(Comments: successful)
Tiny inter-arrival time test : 0 (Comments: the minimum sleep time of nunki is 10ms, so I cannot precisely get 6ms sleep)
Tiny service time test : 0 (Comments: the same as above)
Large total number of customers test :0 (Comments: successful)
Large total number of customers with high arrival rate test :0 (Comments: successful)
Dropped tokens test :0 (Comments: successful)
Cannot handle <Cntrl+C> at all (ignored or no statistics) :0 (Comments: successful)
Can handle <Cntrl+C> but statistics way off :0 (Comments: successful)
Not using condition variables and do some kind of busy-wait :0 (Comments)
Synchronization check :0 (Comments: successful)
Deadlocks :0 (Comments: successful)

| BUGS |

Comments: No bugs in program.


Comments on design decisions: 
Comments on deviation from spec: