A Ruby command line utility and wrapper for the DNSimple API.
DNSimple provides DNS hosting and domain registration that is simple and friendly. We provide a full API and an easy-to-use web interface so you can get your domain registered and set up with a minimal amount of effort.
$ gem install dnsimple-ruby
Create a file in your home directory called .dnsimple
In this file add the following:
Or if using an API token
api_token: YOUR_API_TOKEN
There are two ways to interact with the DNSimple Ruby wrapper. The first is to use the command line utility that is included. The commands available are as follows:
For help:
- dnsimple help
The following commands are available for domains:
- dnsimple list
- dnsimple describe domain.com
- dnsimple create domain.com
- dnsimple register domain.com registrant_id
- dnsimple transfer domain.com registrant_id [authinfo]
- dnsimple delete domain.com
- dnsimple apply domain.com template_short_name
Please note that domain registration and transfer can only be done through the API for domains that do not require extended attributes. A future version of the API will add support for extended attributes.
The following commands are available for records:
- dnsimple record:create [--prio=priority] domain.com name type content [ttl]
- dnsimple record:list domain.com
- dnsimple record:delete domain.com record_id
The following commands are available for custom templates:
- dnsimple template:list
- dnsimple template:create name short_name [description]
- dnsimple template:delete short_name
- dnsimple template:list_records short_name
- dnsimple template:add_record short_name name type content [ttl] [prio]
- dnsimple template:delete_record short_name template_record_id
The following commands are available for managing contacts:
- dnsimple contact:list
- dnsimple contact:describe id
- dnsimple contact:create [name:value name:value ...]
- dnsimple contact:update id [name:value name:value ...]
- dnsimple contact:delete id
The following commands are available for purchasing certificates:
- dnsimple certificate:purchase domain.com name contact_id
- dnsimple certificate:submit id
The contact name/value pairs are:
- first_name
- last_name
- organization_name (optional)
- job_title (required if organization name is specified)
- address1
- address2 (optional)
- city
- state_province (also aliased as state)
- postal_code
- country
- phone
- phone_ext (optional)
- fax (optional)
In addition to the command line utility you may also use the included Ruby classes directly in your Ruby applications.
Here's a short example.
require 'rubygems'
require 'dnsimple'
DNSimple::Client.username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
DNSimple::Client.password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'
DNSimple::Client.http_proxy = {}
user = DNSimple::User.me
puts "#{user.domain_count} domains"
puts "Domains..."
DNSimple::Domain.all.each do |domain|
puts " #{domain.name}"
domain = DNSimple::Domain.find("example.com")
domain.apply("template") # applies a standard or custom template to the domain
domain = DNSimple::Domain.create("newdomain.com")
puts "Added #{domain.name}"
domain.delete # removes from DNSimple
For the full API documentation visit http://rubydoc.info/gems/dnsimple-ruby