Install Instant Client Package - SDK
Finally install using Node Package Manager (npm):
npm install oracle
var oracle = require("oracle");
oracle.connect({ "hostname": "localhost", "user": "test", "password": "test" }, function(err, connection) {
// selecting rows
connection.execute("SELECT * FROM person WHERE name = :1", ['bob smith'], function(err, results) {
// results will be an array of objects
// inserting with return value
"INSERT INTO person (name) VALUES (:1) RETURNING id INTO :2",
['joe ferner', new oracle.OutParam()],
function(err, results) {
// results.updateCount = 1
// results.returnParam = the id of the person just inserted
connection.commit(function(err) {
// transaction committed
connection.rollback(function(err) {
// transaction rolledback
connection.close(); // call this when you are done with the connection
- Download Oracle Express 10g
- Download Instant Client
- Instant Client Package - Basic Lite
- Instant Client Package - SQL*Plus
- Instant Client Package - SDK
- Install Oracle Express (Ubuntu)
sudo dpkg -i oracle-xe_11.
sudo apt-get install alien
sudo alien oracle-instantclient11.2-*
sudo dpkg -i oracle-instantclient11.2-*.deb
sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure
- Open http://localhost:9999/apex/ change 9999 to the port you configured. Log-in with "sys" and the password.
- Create a user called "test" with password "test" and give all accesses.
sudo vi /etc/ld.so.conf.d/oracle.conf -- add this line /usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client/lib/
sudo ldconfig
export ORACLE_SID=test
export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/11.2/server
export OCI_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/oracle/11.2/client/
export OCI_LIB_DIR=/usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client/lib/
sqlplus test@XE
node-waf configure
node-waf build
nodeunit tests/*