
Primary LanguageJava

TaskThree - HTTP file server


git clone https://github.com/danielwikander/Task3
cd Task3/src/
javac TaskThree.java

How to run

java TaskThree [port] [rootpath]

For example:

java TaskThree 8080 /home/yourusername

The fileserver will now be running with the root document path set as /home/yourusername/ Files from the server can now be fetched using HTTP GET requests.

For example, if the server has the file /home/yourusername/helloworld.html users can now access the helloworld.html file in their browser by going to serverip:8080/helloworld.html

If the browser is running on the same machine as the server, it can be accessed by going to localhost:8080/helloworld.html


    TaskThree - HTTP Fileserver

    TaskThree [port] [rootpath]
    An HTTP Fileserver that returns files to requesting users.
    Requires both arguments to run.
    After starting the fileserver, files can be retrieved using HTTP GET requests on the relevant path.

    port:     The port to listen for requests on.
    rootpath: The document root path where file requests will originate from.

    TaskThree 8080 /home/testname/
        The fileserver starts on port 8080, and the document root path has been set to /home/testname/
    TaskThree 5000 /home/testname/testfolder
        The fileserver starts on port 5000, and the document root path has been set to /home/testname/testfolder