This application is designed to be a simple desktop front end to the QTM module written by Quantum.
I know there are several programs available that do this but you might like this one better! It is not designed to be a play-list based music player and can only load one song at a time. (at the moment) However it does show all the information available on the song, including a list of all the sample names.
Ease of use is the main feature, and this is achieved with interactive help and a simple to use toolbox that is used to open the various windows.
- Full interactive help
- Low memory usage
- Lots and lots of details about the song playing, including a list of all sample names
- Toolbox to allow easy opening of windows
- Saveable options
- Nice templates and sprites
- Playback options including volume and channel control
- Most QTM features included File type checking with appropriate warnings
- RISC OS 4 compatible