******************************************************************************** ************* TISC README file **************** ***** PLANFORM MODELING OF GEOLOGICAL PROCESSES ***** ***** USING FINITE DIFFERENCES ***** ******************************************************************************** TISC is a program written in C under Linux (MacOS) to calculate the pseudo-3D (planform) flexure of the lithosphere, fluvial transport along rivers, and other surface and tectonic processes. In particular, TISC numerically simulates the formation of sedimentary basins during tectonic compression and extension. TISC is the 3D version of the cross-section (pseudo 2D) numerical model tAo, and uses the finite difference technique. Main author: Daniel Garcia-Castellanos (CSIC) Details on authorship and citation in 'tisc/doc/tisc.info.txt'. See license details in the documentation at tisc/doc/LICENSE.txt. Either a Mac or a Ubuntu Linux virtual machine including GMT4 (for graphic output) are required: Install Virtualbox: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads Download https://saco.csic.es/index.php/s/ZTK4dXWS6JYtjr5 Import VM with Ubuntu 20.04 + GMT 4.5.18. Virtualbox > File > Import... TO INSTALL TISC: -Uncompress the downloaded file in a directory 'tisc/'. -Modify compiling options by editing 'tisc/config.mk' and 'tisc/src/Makefile'. -Compile typing 'make' in the main directory. This will create the executable tisc in the tisc/bin/ directory. Then include tisc/bin/ and tisc/script/ in your shell path. -Install GMT 4 (free-ware software, used for graphic output) and put its bin/ directory in your path. This should work: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gmt ksh csh tofrodos -The GMT scripts are wirtten in C-shell language, so make sure to have that one installed. -Try examples of running TISC going to directory 'tisc/demo/'. This will allow you to be sure that the code is working properly. Check that the graphic output is correctly produced in the postscript output files (*.ps) -Read the 'doc/tisc.info.txt' file to know more about how to use TISC.