
Coding Challenge

Primary LanguageRuby

HTML Fetcher

Used technologies

  • Ruby 2.2.4
  • Ruby on Rails 4.2.6
  • SQLite 3
  • SASS, HAML, jQuery
  • Sidekiq, Redis
  • Nokogiri
  • RSpec, FactoryGirl, Faker,...

Get it started

  1. Clone this repo

  2. bundle install

  3. a. rake db:create

    b. rake db:migrate

  4. brew install redis

Start server

  1. redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf
  2. bundle exec sidekiq
  3. rails s
  4. visit localhost:3000 for manual testing

Main functionality

  1. The server receives a URL from the front-end.

    request URL Behavior
    URL is new create new PageResource and Job objects (status: creating) and push a new job into the Redis queue; send job_id and page_id back to the front-end
    URL is known and job is still in progress leave it alone
    URL is known and job was done recently (= today after midnight UTC) create new Job object (status: done) and send job_id, page_id and html to the front-end
    URL is known and job is outdated (= yesterday before midnight UTC) create new Job object (status: updating), push a job to the Redis queue and send job_id and page_id to the front-end
    URL is known and the job has failed, but the page can be reached now create new Job object (status: updating), push a job to the Redis queue and send job_id and page_id to the front-end
    URL is known and the job has failed, but the page can not be reached leave it alone
  2. The server receives a request for a status update on the jobs:

    it looks up the job and returns a status update - including the html if the job is done - to the front-end.

  3. The Sidekiq worker handles the scraping of the desired pages in the background and sets the Job status to done.

DB shema


Column Datatype
id integer
page_resource_id integer
jid sting
status integer
created_at datetime
updated_at datetime


Column Datatype
id integer
url sting
html text
statpopularityus integer
created_at datetime
updated_at datetime


So far the app has 60 Rspec tests for the Controllers, Models, Helpers and the Worker. To run them type in your console:

rspec spec/

Things to improve

  1. The error handeling needs more work
  2. The front-end could use some polish, but I built it mainly for trouble shooting
  3. I'd like to spend more time on the Worker test cases
  4. The view has at the moment no testing at all