

Optimized C++ library implementing long arithmetic.

big_integger provides next constructors, functions and operators:

  • int, uint_64t and copy implicit constructors, as well as explicit string constructor;
  • swap and to_string functions;
  • Overloaded unary operators (+, -, and ~);
  • Overloaded increments and decrements (pre and post);
  • Overloaded boolean operators (==, !=, <, >, <= and >=);
  • Overloaded arithmetic binary operators (+, -, /, * and %);
  • Overloaded bitwise binary operators (&, | and ^) and bitwise shifts (<< and >>);

Division based on algorithm described in article.

In big_integer implemented copy-on-write and small object optimizations.


Where are 75 tests using gtest framework and mpz module of gmp library.